Fourth-generation technology (4G) WiMAX certainly presented with high expectations in terms of speed of data transfer. Then fast the 4G WiMAX capabilities besutan First Media? happen to have the opportunity to try out Sitra Wimax capabilities, product names Wimax service from First Media launch event at the Imperial Hotel Aryaduta, Tangerang. In the tester, the site was first tested is the video sharing website YouTube. When opening a video, downloading of data already feel the difference, indeed faster. No more waiting for the completion of data downloaded. Desired video directly run properly.

It's just that, if observed, the speed difference is not too jomplang with 3G services that exist today. One could even say the disparate thin. As long as 3G services that are used are also not being flared flowers. Speedtest gauges indicate the transfer speed Wimax Sitra in the range of 2-3 Mbps rate, both for download and upload. This speed is not fixed alias volatile.

With the ability to transfer data like that, so do not compare it with other 4G technologies - such as the LTE - which can transfer data up to 30 Mbps. So if it is used for measuring 700 Mbps download movies using this Sitra Wimax can not seem to immediately step on the gas.

But to open the site daily, as and up can be done with a snap. Whiz.

Subscription Packages

First Media Sitra Wimax market alone will be bundling with modem dongle. This is done because the goods are not yet available in the market.

As for the price of the service pack is still a secret. Users are asked to be patient in a matter of weeks. However, subscription packages will be offered in 3 classes, each with different speeds generated.

In addition to Sitra Wimax wireless network, First Media also has held a broadband cable access through Fastnet product. Fastnet customers has totaled 285 thousand, and 60% of whom also subscribe to pay TV through the cable network.

Wimax services will be provided at First Media will target users of professionals, students, and the public who require alternative in wireless Internet access.

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1 komentar

  1. Sayudha  

    hmmm broadband 4G emang keren sih, tapi seandainya 4G udah booming dimana-mana apa tetep aja gitu ya kecepatan akses data tergantung lokasi dan traffic pemakainya seperti sekarang ini? saya sendiri jadi bingung karena 4G udah teknologi WiMAX jadi lebih bagus mana sama WiFi yang pake teknologi kabel optik buat nangkep sinyal datanya? ada artikel tentang perbedaan wifi n wimax d tapi belum lengkap mungkin ada yang bisa menambahkan? terima kasih.. ^_^

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